New Beginnings International Ministries

Our Team

“I was rescued from death.
Now, to give back to my nation,
I want to rescue others as well;
offering them life, safety,
education and hope for the future.”

— Isoba Henry Caesar, President, CEO,
New Beginnings International Ministries
Uganda, East Africa

Join Us in Making an Impact

Isoba Henry Caesar

Isoba Henry Caesar, (pictured on the left) brings his own personal story and passion to the work of creating a great new beginning for the people of this East African nation, by rescuing at-risk women, babies and orphaned children from death, violence and ignorance.

As a newborn, Isoba Henry was abandoned and left to die at a garbage dump — but God, it seems, had other plans. Thanks to local police, little Henry was delivered into the hands of an adoptive American couple who raised Henry as their own. His parents brought him up as a Christian, put him through school and sowed within his heart the seeds of greatness.

Henry explains, “I was rescued from death. Now, to give back to my nation, I want to rescue others as well; offering them life, safety, education and hope for the future.”

And this is precisely what he has done. Since 2009 when he founded the organization (called NewBim, for short), Henry and his team of volunteers have been working to save lives and build futures. Recently, an area police commander heard about the work Henry and his team had done to save the life of an orphaned baby (who had nearly died in a fire). The police commander said, “If we had more others, dedicated and faithful people like those of New Beginnings, our entire country would be safe.”After saying this, he prayed that God would bless New Beginnings with an endless stream of support so that more lives would be saved and more bright futures would be created.

New Beginnings received a letter from a local (Iganga) school inviting Henry to return and teach the girls as he’d done the previous year. The principal marveled about Henry’s teaching, “your words about faith have moved [the girls] in ways I cannot explain.”

Lee John Bruno, (President, United for Life Foundation, Birmingham, Alabama, USA), endorses Henry this way. “A diamond in the rough, that’s how I describe Henry’s character. I’ve always been impressed with his faith, his devotion to serving his people and his strict code of financial accountability. Henry¹s vision for his community (where all those in crisis find refuge and hope) aligned perfectly with our mission at United for Life Foundation. That is why we formed a partnership with New Beginnings and its mission. We know that with Henry at the helm in Uganda, we are supporting his long track record of accountability, extremely fast results, and timely reporting. Every dollar donated goes toward actionable results – saving lives and building futures. We are proud to support Henry and New Beginnings because, it’s not every day you find a diamond in the rough.”

Uganda Team

Isoba Henry’s team in Uganda is comprised of the following members:

Top row, from left-to-right:
Kauta Akabway, Vice President
Akello Joyce, Treasurer
Biidi Arafat, Publicity

Bottom row, from left to right:
Adikin Margret, Secretary
Ogwi Thomas, Operations Director
Buyinza Thomas, Project Engineer

Every one of the team members shown here volunteer their time and talents to New Beginnings, working their regular jobs in offices and stores, but then, whenever there is a need, they are there, serving alongside Henry, saving lives and building futures. No matter where you are, you can volunteer as well. Find out how you can help.

Krys Crawley

United States Partner
KRYS CRAWLEY, ADVOCATE, Executive Team, United States Partners

Krys Crawley is founder and executive director of Life’s Connection, a life and loss resource and medical center in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Crawley directs Life’s Connection and two crisis pregnancy medical centers in Milwaukee. She has trained pregnancy counselors in crisis care and trains nurses in ultrasound for more than 35 crisis pregnancy centers nationwide. She leads a team of peer mentors who journey with families and individuals who come to the center in need of assistance through crisis situations or referrals for aid. Life’s Connection serves men and women facing a child loss through miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. The grieving programs offer support to those facing the loss of a loved one through death, separation or divorce and also helps men and women in post abortion healing.

“When I heard what Henry was doing in Uganda to save lives and build futures, I just had to get involved. I’m looking forward to training New Beginnings’ ultrasound technicians when Clinic #1 gets ready to open it doors!”

Lee John Bruno

United States Partner
LEE JOHN BRUNO, ADVOCATE, Executive Team, United States Partners

Lee Bruno is the Director of United for Life Foundation, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.

Years ago, Lee had a dream and a calling: to unite people of the culture of life. That dream has grown into the United for Life Foundation. Lee John gives all the glory to Jesus Christ, and works for the good purpose: to help God’s people through media, entertainment, and art.

“United for Life Foundation is proud to support Henry and New Beginnings, in part, because Henry’s vision for his community (where all those in crisis find refuge and hope) is perfectly aligned with ours.”

Mike Froncek

United States Partner
MIKE FRONCEK, SENIOR ADVOCATE, Executive Team, United States Partners

Prior to retirement, Mike Froncek served as Communications Director for Wisconsin Right to Life, Milwaukee. For twenty years, Mike wrote, produced, designed and directed communications and fund-raising materials for both Wisconsin Right to Life and the Veritas Society. Mike was also the chief historian and archivist for Wisconsin Right to Life. He was the lead writer and editor of the 2018 book, 50 Years of Saving Lives – The Wisconsin Right to Life Story – 1968-2018. He comes from a marketing and broadcast communications background specializing in audio/video production, marketing and writing.

Mike likes to quote St. Augustine, who said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. “This,” Mike says, “embodies the work undertaken in Uganda by Isoba Henry and New Beginnings International Ministries. And so, to all who are considering supporting this worthy work, I say: Let’s pray and then, let’s get to work!

Joe Perri

United States Partner
JOE PERRI, Web Development Team, United States Partners

Joe is the founder of Joe Perri Digital Media / of the Greater Grand Rapids Area, Michigan. Joe specializes in website design, maintenance and secure hosting for small businesses and non-profit enterprises. Joe believes successful web design requires devotion, creativity, and diligence for the finest results. A well designed website will clearly present what you do, and it will effectively convince potential clients that you are the right choice for them.

“I am so happy to partner with New Beginnings International Ministries, Uganda, because this work is so important. With all of us working together, we will be able to make a differences in the lives of so many that need it.”

Our Key Initiatives

We focus on several core areas to maximize our impact and drive meaningful change.


Rescue Orphans


Protect, Empower Women


Build Families’ Futures


Provide Healthcare