Mary’s dramatic story (below) is hard to read — perhaps in large part — because it is difficult to imagine the kind of suffering and abuse Mary has been through. To protect her unborn child and preserve her own life, Mary had to run. And, ultimately, while on-the-run, she found an abandoned building in which to live — or, to say it correctly, to survive. Thank God, Mary’s story has a happy ending, for it was there, in that empty brick structure that Uncle Henry and Aunt Joyce (as Mary calls them) found her and offered her the help she needed.
Mary, and other young women like her are the reason New Beginnings opened Ruth House, so fear can be replaced with peace; babies can be born in safety and mothers can be given vocational education. For every young lady who finds refuge at Ruth House, there is a new beginning — a new life — awaiting them. As you read Mary’s story below, please consider a gift to support the work of New Beginnings International Ministries. Thank you.
MARY’S STORY – In her own words . . .
I am Namulawa Mary, 17-years old from Bulumba Kaliro district [Uganda, East Africa]. I was brought up by parents Kabeka Juma and Nangobi Florence from Bulumba. Dad ran short of money in 2018 and so he could not meet my school fees. I had to stay home and join mum in a tomato business. She would send me and my little sister to a certain peasant (Mutasa Robert) who used to grow tomatoes and sell them to her.
One day, Robert started telling me lovely words till when I accepted to be in a sexual relationship with him because he promised to buy me books and meet my school demands. After a few weeks, he made me pregnant which angered my mum to arrest him. She reported him to Bulumba police post but due to mum’s little financial support to push the case, the LC1 Bulumba stood in and Robert was released with no punishment or agreement .
Instead, the officer in charge of the Bulumba police post advised mum to secretly take me for an abortion [illegal in Uganda] which most of Robert’s family members never supported. To leave the pregnancy to proceed meant monetary support for treatment during and after pregnancy plus nutritious feeding which Robert was not ready to lend a hand in.
This made mum report back to police and also addressed the situation to dad who she thought would be, at least listened too. The news angered dad and promised to arrest mummy and I. We went and hid at a nearby village called Kiyunga until when he went away for work.
Mum struggled and took care of me till when I delivered. Two months later after delivering, mummy sent me to stay with my aunt in Njeru. It was [hard in] Njeru because I was not working and my aunt could not meet all my needs.
After a few months, a boy fell for me and I could not refuse because he was giving me money to meet some of my needs. I was in a love relationship with him for over four months and he made me pregnant in August, 2019. My boyfriend told me to abort which I feared to do without any of my relatives knowing after hearing some of the risks.
I asked him to let me go to my brother’s place in Namungalwe because I never wanted my aunt to know about it. My brother is married and so he could not live with me in his single room. He got me a room where he kept me, but when the situation got worse, he informed my mum. Mum got angry and came for proof. She inquired [about the father] but I didn’t answer her. I thought of disappearing due to the situation but mum thought twice and wanted neither dad to know nor aunt.
As I was drowning in a sea of thoughts, that I was giving up on my pregnancy, I learned that two months after leaving Njeru, (where my boyfriend lived), he was in a motor accident and passed on. Now I lost even the smallest hope I had left, knowing that if my dad landed on me I would be dead [too].
So one day I was sick and went to a pharmacy, (to buy pain killers), where I met a man called Nsubuga who saw my needy situation, and asked me why I looked as I did. I hesitated to tell him about my story because he was a stranger to me, but he insisted and said he could be of help to me if I would open up. So I told him my whole story. I told him about my fears and worries and about my pains.
As it turns out, he was of help to me, because after listening to my story, he picked his phone and called someone I didn’t know. Later in the evening, a man called Uncle Henry came looking for me and introduced himself. He told me about the work of his organization, New Beginnings, which would help me save my baby, and told me they knew about me from a man called Nsubuga. It’s then that I recalled the phone call he made.
Honestly, he was of help, because the following day Arafat [from New Beginnings] took me to the office of Uncle Henry, who was so welcoming and spoke with such joy. He said, “Mary, let’s pray for God’s protection.” After prayers he called his wife, Joyce, and said, “We have a visitor, please make her some tea.” After I took the tea with some bread, he then told me, “Mary, from now on we are friends and we are friends you will be able trust forever. So please tell me exactly what is happening in your life.”
With Uncle Henry’s humble voice, I felt the Spirit of the Lord sitting in this place, and I did not hold back my breath, but exploded and told him my story, even when I had told him the previous day when they visited me in my hiding place. All he said was, “Mary, consider all your trials gone, you are going to start a new life with us at New Beginnings and the Lord will grant you and your unborn baby freedom and peace.”
Uncle Henry tried to find ways of reconciling me with my dad, but all in vain, because my dad refused to turn up for all the appointments Uncle Henry made to meet with him. We even went to my father’s home in Bulumba but still he did not surface.
It was then that Uncle Henry decided to bring me to this place, called Ruth House, where I will be able to stay until I deliver my baby. I love this place. It is far better than the place I was living in when I was in hiding. My mom came and saw where I am living and she was so pleased and thanked God for opening ways for me. I have a nice bed, blanket, bed sheets and enough food to eat. Also, Uncle Henry gave me a little spending money. I am going to learn tailoring (sewing) during the time I am staying at Ruth House, so that when I deliver my baby I will have a job to support me and my two children when I go home.
This is my story.
Namulawa Mary
Below, pictures of Mary, safe and sound, after her arrival at Ruth House. When you support New Beginnings with a donation, you will help Mary and other young women like her to realize a new beginning for their life and their baby’s life. Your gift of $1,500 will fully underwrite the operational costs of Ruth House for one month. A partnership donation of $18,000 (USD) will fully underwrite the cost of Ruth House operations for one year. Of course, any amount you give will help. All gifts are tax deductible under U.S. tax code as your gift will be processed by our USA partner, United for Life Foundation, a registered 501 (c)(3) U.S. non-profit organization. Please donate now.